Early detection of eye conditions is the best way to prevent the development of vision problems. Dilated eye exams can help determine whether the eyes are working as they should. Examining infants’ eyes helps ensure that their vision is developing well.
Eye assessments can identify present or potential vision issues. Early detection is vital for effective treatment or management. Here are the benefits of an InfantSEE® assessment.
Unlike hearing, the visual sense is not fully developed at birth. It is a skill that develops as a child grows. After birth, babies receive a basic vision test, but it is not adequate to detect all vision issues. The visual system goes through developmental changes during the first few years of a child’s life.
Most changes occur in infancy and when the child is a toddler. Early testing and diagnosis of visual problems are crucial for the child’s cognitive, motor, and social development. Impaired vision is a common problem that can drastically affect a child’s life.
InfantSEE assessment is a public health optometry program that promotes eye and vision care among infants. It aims to ensure that eye care becomes vital to child wellness. It helps improve the overall quality of life.
It was launched in 2005 by the American Optometric Association in conjunction with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. The nationwide program has played an instrumental role in discovering vision-threatening conditions, including retinal cancers in infants. It targets infants between six to 12 months old.
Comprehensive eye exams are vital for good eye health and development for infants. The benefits of the assessment include:
Assessing visual function
Examining eye alignment
Determining the need for visual aids or eyeglasses
Assessing infant’s eye health
Early detection of eye and vision issues
Eye exams provide more information than vision screenings conducted by pediatricians. Depending on the exam results, the child may require additional services from an eye specialist.
Vision disorders are a common disability in the country, with nearly four million children countrywide suspected to have impaired vision. Vision impairment is linked to developmental delays. It often results in the need for special education and social and vocational services in the future.
Unfortunately, studies show less than 15 percent of children under five have had a comprehensive eye exam. Millions of children have not had eye exams before starting school. The InfantSEE assessment program aims to address this problem.
Parents must keep track of their children’s vision development. It will help them detect any issues as early as possible. While most babies have perfect eyes, getting an assessment at six months to one year is essential.
It will help ensure that vision is developing as expected. Vision problems can make it hard for infants to perform simple activities such as grasping objects or exploring their environment. Parents should take note of their infant’s eye movements. They should look for signs indicating a child is not meeting certain developmental milestones.
For more on the benefits of an InfantSEE Assessment, visit Cincinnati Vision Group at our Cincinnati or Liberty Township, Ohio offices. Our doctor, Dr. Melissa Sanders, conducts the assessments. Call (513) 793-5970, (513) 712-5065 or (513) 753-4981to schedule an appointment today.